Do You Need Rescuing from your NEBOSH National General Certificate?

  • Are you a student of the NEBOSH National General Certificate?
  • Are you struggling with the course or NEBOSH assessments?
  • Have you found Compassa, and wish you had signed up to their course instead?
  • Have you failed your NEBOSH National General Certificate Open Book Exam (NG1)?
  • Or have you failed the NEBOSH NG2 Practical Project?
  • Is your NEBOSH NGC online course about to expire?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES, we can offer you our “NEBOSH NGC Rescue Package”

If you are not already with another course provider, but want to study your NEBOSH National General Certificate through Compassa, please visit our course page for new students without a current course provider. Click here to visit our page.

See the Course in Action

Unlock a new standard in online learning with our state-of-the-art Smart Video technology. Our NEBOSH General Certificate course offers an experience akin to personal, face-to-face training but with the flexibility and accessibility of online eLearning.
Designed and tutored by former NEBOSH Examiners, this course delves into both health and safety management and NEBOSH assessment technique. The course delivers exceptional results with an 80%+ pass rate on NEBOSH Certificate assessments.

The NEBOSH National General Certificate by Compassa

Seeing is believing.

Click to see a Demo Tutorial for our NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course

Meet Stefan

Stefan originally enrolled onto his NEBOSH National General Certificate course through another provider, “one of the big hits on Google”.

After studying through another course provider, he unfortunately failed his NG1 exam and NG2 Project. He found Compassa through YouTube and enrolled onto our NEBOSH National General Certificate Rescue Package and immediately knew “this was the course for him”.

Watch the video to hear what Stefan has to say about his experience with Compassa.

Get Access to our Full NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course, NGC Resources, and ALL our Tutor Support for only £279+VAT

What is the NEBOSH National General Certificate Rescue Package?

Our Rescue Package is full access for our NEBOSH National General Certificate Certificate Online Course for a heavily discounted price (£279+VAT).

It is reserved for students of other NEBOSH course providers who regret their choice of provider and would like to swap to Compassa without paying the full price of the course again.

Please note, the £279+VAT does NOT include the price of the NEBOSH assessments.

Why do I need a NEBOSH National General Certificate Rescue Package?

You might need a Rescue Package if:

  • Your NEBOSH NGC online course is about to “expire” and your course provider wants you to pay a large extension fee to “extend” your access.
  • You have failed your NG1 Open Book Exam, or your NG2 Practical Project, or both.
  • You are not getting the level of tutor support you want or need.
  • You are not thrilled by your current NEBOSH course provider’s materials.
  • You have discovered Compassa on social media or YouTube and you regret not signing up with us originally.

What do I get in the NEBOSH National General Certificate Rescue Package?

You will get FULL and LIFETIME access to Compassa’s NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course. This includes:

  • Our full suite of Ex-Examiner Guides to passing your NG1 Open Book Exam and NG2 Practical Project.
  • Our Ex-Examiner Tutor Support with direct access to Will Taylor via email and phone.
  • Invitations to Monthly Exam Masterclasses on Zoom, led by Will Taylor. Ask NG2 questions, dissect exam questions, network with other students.
  • Mock Exams, graded by an ex-Examiner with helpful feedback.
  • Our full course video tutorials, delivered through the Latest Interactive Video Technology.
  • Our written course materials, beautifully designed.
  • Our downloadable PDF workbooks.
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course the only interactive video eLearning course for NEBOSH
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course with LIFETIME access
COmpassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course with Free Monthly NEBOSH Exam Masterclass
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course with Graded Mock NEBOSH Exams by ex-NEBOSH Examiner
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course with Mock Exams Graded by ex-NEBOSH Examiners
Compassa IOSH Managing Safely Online eLearning course with engaging written materials
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course with Real World Case Studies
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course with Hundreds of Activities
Compassa IOSH Managing Safely Online eLearning Course can be studied where and when you like
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course with Intuitive Course Navigation
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course with Animations of Health and Safety Hazards and Controls
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course with DOwnloadable Workbooks for NEBOSH NG1 and NG2 Units
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate eLearning Course - The only online NEBOSH certificate course with Personality
Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate Online with DOwnloadable Workbooks for NEBOSH NG1 and NG2 Units

How does the NEBOSH National General Certificate Rescue Package work?

Step 1

Use the contact form below to apply and attach evidence that you have signed up with another NEBOSH course provider. apply for the rescue pack.

Step 2

Upon receipt of satisfactory evidence, we will send you a discount code to purchase LIFETIME access to our full NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course.

Step 3

Enrol onto Compassa's course using your discount code and let us help you SMASH your NEBOSH assessments.

(Optional): We can swap your registration from your current course provider to Compassa. Alternatively, you can continue to register through your existing provider until your course access with them expires.

Who is the NEBOSH National General Certificate Rescue Package for?

This Rescue Package is reserved for people who have already signed up for the NEBOSH National General Certificate with another course provider, whether that be online or in a classroom.

To qualify for the Rescue Package you will need to email us evidence that you have purchased the course elsewhere.

You should apply for the Rescue Package using the Form below.

PLEASE NOTE: International General Certificate students should NOT sign up to this package. This is reserved for National (UK) students only. We are not currently accredited to deliver the International General Certificate.

The Cost of the NEBOSH National General Certificate Online Course Rescue Package

Rescue Package Cost: £279+VAT. This is massively discounted from our usual price of £459+VAT.

Please note, this does not include the cost of NEBOSH registration for the assessments. These are payable later when you are ready to register for the assessments. These are charged at the applicable NEBOSH rate plus an additional administration fee of £29+VAT.

Cost of sitting the NG1 Open Book Exam: £89 (NEBOSH fee) + £29+VAT (Administration fee) = £123.80 inc VAT.

Cost of sitting the NG2 Practical Project: £89 (NEBOSH fee) + £29+VAT (Administration fee) = £123.80 inc VAT.

Compassa's NEBOSH National General Certificate Pass Rates


Open Book Exam


Practical Project

Based on data from Compassa NEBOSH National General Certificate assessments between December 2022 and November 2024. These are significantly higher than the official NEBOSH National Pass Rates (which are confidential). The official national pass rates include all modes of learning and all accredited course providers. (Last updated on 16th January 2025)

Greg's Experience with our Rescue Package

Greg studied his NEBOSH National General Certificate through Compassa, he said:

“The way in which Compassa go about teaching is not a way I’ve ever seen done before.”

“It’s engaging and fun, and if you want to pass and have ADHD or just can’t concentrate… use Will Taylor CMIOSH, he’ll get you there.”

Watch the video to hear what else Greg has to say about his experience with Compassa.

Apply for the NEBOSH NGC Rescue Package:

Please use the following contact form to apply for the NEBOSH NGC Rescue Package. Make sure you complete all required fields to avoid a delay in your application. Please note: you should only apply for this if you are studying the NEBOSH NATIONAL General Certificate (i.e. the UK version of the qualification).