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Would you like to Enrol Just Yourself on the NEBOSH HSE Incident Investigation course?
The World’s Only Interactive Video eLearning Course
Compassa have produced a unique and pioneering interactive video eLearning course for the NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation. Including 3 hours of interactive video tutorials, witness interviews with actors, and a 3D simulator, you will have a learning experience far superior to what you would get in a traditional classroom environment.
It’s 100% flexible. Study NEBOSH in a way that’s FUN, ENGAGING, and INTERACTIVE, where you like, and when you like.
Meet Your Tutor, Will Taylor
Will is the creator of this course. He has over 20 years’ experience in health, safety, and operations management. He is a chartered member of IOSH and has a wealth of practical real-life experience to share with you.
Hear Will Taylor's Thoughts on Incident Investigation
Frequently Asked Questions
- Element 1: The Reasons for Investigating Incidents
- Element 2: Human Factors
- Element 3: Investigating Incidents and the Steps to Incident Investigation, including the 5Whys Technique and getting to Root Causes.
- Element 4: Interviewing Witnesses and the PEACE model.
- Element 5: Advanced investigation techniques, including Fishbone Analysis, Event Tree Analysis, and Fault Tree Analysis.
- Your NEBOSH assessments.
Instead of boring people to death with theoretical information and Powerpoint slides, we teach the skills of investigation by facilitating an investigation into a real incident. Delegates are expected to gather evidence (including physical evidence, documentation, and witness statements), interview witnesses in some entertaining role-plays, analyse the evidence using a 5 Whys methodology to get to Root Causes, and formulate an action plan to address the causes.
This teach by doing method is what got this course several awards for Best Incident Investigation course UK in 2020 and 2021.
The NEBOSH assessments are carried out AFTER the training and are done in the delegate’s own time. The assessments are completely online.
The assessment consists of downloading some evidence relating to an accident and watching three witness interviews on video. The delegate must then critique the witness interviews (good and poor practices) and create a short report on the causes of the accident and recommended actions to prevent reoccurrence.
The assessment is submitted online and graded by a Compassa tutor. In the event the delegate is not successful, full feedback is given and the delegate is invited to re-submit an improved assessment at no extra charge.
The assessment fees are included in the price quoted for the course. There are no extra charges.
The delegate will be provided with full feedback from the course tutor. They will then be invited to re-submit an improved assessment at no extra cost.
We need a minimum of 3 people to provide some interaction and go the group-work. A maximum of 15 people is allowed due to the highly interactive nature of the course.
The price you are quoted is the same regardless of how many people you book onto the course. When you have a full course of 15 people, the price per person is incredibly good value.
Usually, the course is delivered at your premises. This is generally more convenient for you. This is subject to you having sufficient space, one or more whiteboards/flipcharts, and access to a large screen or projector.
If you would prefer an external venue, we can arrange to deliver the course in a more convenient location at additional cost.
We can deliver this course worldwide. It has been delivered as far away from the UK as Mauritius and Madagascar.
This is an in-house course delivered to groups of delegates within a particular organisation. Single individuals cannot book themselves onto this course.
If you are looking to study and pass the NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation Award, we recommend an even better solution. Click here to discover the world’s only interactive video online course for this qualification. It’s 100% flexible. You can study when you like and where you like.
We are flexible on payment methods. We would normally invoice you following the training and payment by BACS or credit card is required within 30 days of invoice.
We also allow pre-payment if this is more convenient for you.